Volcanic hazards worksheet Provided by Based on an original exercise produced by Mike Tuke. Produced by Maggie Williams and Peter Williams (University of Liverpool) Classroom activity Description:The worksheet for this activity is wide-ranging. It may be used with students in Y10, Y11, Y12 and Y13 classes. It helps students develop their knowledge and understanding of volcanic processes and volcanic hazards. This worksheet could be adapted for use with students with no specialist knowledge.
For this activity students are encouraged to:
• identify possible volcanic hazards (potentially dangerous volcanic processes) in an area,
• evaluate the extent and significance of the volcanic risks (possible losses or damages caused by these volcanic hazard)
• produce hazard maps for the area.
A solution to the activity is included
Tuke, M. (1987) Volcanic hazards. Geology Teaching 12 (4), pp. 150-151.
Tuke, M. (1988) Volcanic hazards: solution to a worksheet. Geology Teaching 13 (2), pp. 89-91. Suitable for ages: 14-16 years old, 16+ Subject areas
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