Title of activity | Target Audience | Type of Activity | Duration of activity | More information |
How Geology affects the landscape of the UK KS3 | 11-14 years old | Classroom activity | 50 mins | Link |
Minerals, elements and the Earth’s crust | 11-14 years old | Classroom activity | 30 minutes | Link |
Investigating the Earth: find the ‘Mars Bar’ challenge | 11-14 years old | Classroom activity | 20 minutes | Link |
Magnetic patterns: ocean floor pattern plotting | 11-14 years old | Classroom activity | 20 minutes | Link |
The plate tectonic story: a scientific jigsaw | 11-14 years old | Classroom activity | 20 minutes | Link |
Carbon cycle – releasing dinosaur breath into the lab | 11-14 years old | Lesson plan, Classroom activity | 50 minutes | Link |
Carbon cycle: exchanging carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and ocean | 11-14 years old | Lesson plan, Classroom activity | 20 minutes | Link |
Carbon cycle in the lab: carbon products and the processes that link them | 11-14 years old | Lesson plan, Classroom activity | 30 minutes | Link |
Where is the crucial carbon? | 11-14 years old | Lesson plan, Classroom activity | 50 minutes | Link |
Cycling carbon: seeing how plants use carbon dioxide in the lab | 11-14 years old | Lesson plan, Classroom activity | 40 minutes | Link |
Earth’s crust: thinner than you think | 11-14 years old | Lesson plan, Classroom activity | 20 minutes (less if the extension calculation activity is not done) | Link |
What is the inside of the Earth like | 11-14 years old | Classroom activity, Subject knowledge booster | ~ 2 hours | Link |
What is the inside of the Earth like? | 11-14 years old | Classroom activity, Other | 2 hours | Link |
Separating mixtures: how we concentrate natural materials | 11-14 years old | Lesson plan, Classroom activity, Subject knowledge booster | 2 x 60 minute sessions | Link |
Energy storage: How geology can help to balance supply and demand | 11-14 years old | Lesson plan, Classroom activity, Video | Link | |
Not in my back yard: Finding locations for future energy developments | 11-14 years old | Lesson plan, Classroom activity, Video | Link | |
3D geological models in Minecraft | 7-11 years old, 11-14 years old | Classroom activity | Link | |
DIY Rock Cycle | 7-11 years old, 11-14 years old | Lesson plan, Classroom activity, Subject knowledge booster | 30-60 mins | Link |
Historical Climate Change enrichment lesson | 7-11 years old, 11-14 years old | Lesson plan, Classroom activity, Subject knowledge booster | 20 – 60 minutes | Link |
Volcano in the lab | 11-14 years old, 14-16 years old | Lesson plan | 20 minutes | Link |
Protecting the Earth: how big is your ecological footprint? | 11-14 years old, 14-16 years old | Classroom activity | 50 minutes | Link |
The seasons – the effect of our tilted Earth | 11-14 years old, 14-16 years old | Classroom activity | 15 minutes | Link |
Igneous processes: matching the evidence they leave behind | 11-14 years old, 14-16 years old | Lesson plan, Classroom activity | 10 minutes | Link |
Amazing Earth | 11-14 years old, 14-16 years old | Classroom activity, Subject knowledge booster | 30+ minutes | Link |
10 Ways Geoscience Can Save The World (outreach talk/introduction to geoscience talk) | 5-7 years old, 7-11 years old, 11-14 years old | Classroom activity, Subject knowledge booster | 30 mins | Link |
Water, Rivers and Coasts | 7-11 years old, 11-14 years old, Staff | Classroom activity, Subject knowledge booster, Other | Link | |
What are the differences between metamorphic rocks commonly used as building stones? | 11-14 years old, 14-16 years old, 16+ | Classroom activity | 20 minutes | Link |
What are the differences between sedimentary rocks commonly used as building stones? | 11-14 years old, 14-16 years old, 16+ | Classroom activity | 30 minutes | Link |
Geothermal – A new use for old coal mines: a potential source of energy from beneath our feet | 11-14 years old, 14-16 years old, 16+ | Classroom activity | 30 minutes, plus time for local investigations via the internet or visits | Link |
How safe is your home area? | 11-14 years old, 14-16 years old, 16+ | Classroom activity | 30 minutes + | Link |
What are the differences between igneous rocks commonly used as building stones | 11-14 years old, 14-16 years old, 16+ | Classroom activity, Outdoor activity | 30 minutes | Link |
What do geoscientists do? | 11-14 years old, 14-16 years old, 16+ | Video, Subject knowledge booster | 3-minute video | Link |
What is geophysics? | 11-14 years old, 14-16 years old, 16+ | Video, Subject knowledge booster | 3-minute video | Link |
Which eruption was larger? | 11-14 years old, 14-16 years old, 16+ | Lesson plan, Classroom activity, Video | 50 minutes | Link |
Exploring earthquakes | 11-14 years old, 14-16 years old, 16+ | Classroom activity, Video, Subject knowledge booster | Link | |
Craters on the Moon. Why are the Moon’s craters such different shapes and sizes? | 11-14 years old, 14-16 years old, Staff | Classroom activity | 30 minutes | Link |
Climate Change and Extreme Weather video | 7-11 years old, 11-14 years old, 14-16 years old, 16+ | Video | 5 minutes | Link |
Earth Science On-Site | 7-11 years old, 11-14 years old, 14-16 years old, Staff | Lesson plan, Outdoor activity, Subject knowledge booster | Link | |
Mining and the Green Revolution | 11-14 years old, 14-16 years old, 16+, Staff | Lesson plan, Classroom activity, Video, Subject knowledge booster | 1 – 3 hours | Link |
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